What is a full Stork Wrap Conversion?
A full Stork Wrap Conversion is when we use up your wrap to fully cover a Stork Carrier. From the waist, body, shoulders and hood, even accessories like droolpads and such. Like you can see in Stork carrier pofile pictures above, the carriers are totally covered in wrap. Their components are synchronised as they are made from a single wrap sent in by customer.
We usually require about 4 meters of wrap length to create a full wrap conversion not inclusive of accessories. Sometimes we require more, especially when the wrap has interesting graphics like 'The Great Wave of Kanagawa' inspired blue wrap above. We require extra length for flexibility to work around the graphic, making sure the prints overlaps perfectly in line with each other.
you certainly can get a carrier out of it but it will be a 'semi-conversion' Stork
Basically, if your wrap has random design that I can be flexible with cutting for placement on the carrier, and you would like a standard size without any additional accessories, the minimum length I need is 3.2m for a wrap with 27-28" width.
I get asked a lot, customer came to me with shorter wraps like size 3, or a ringsling, sometimes they want to get a ringsling AND a carrier from a size 5 wrap. My answer is that yes, you certainly can get a carrier out of it but it will be a 'semi-conversion' Stork.
What is a Semi-conversion Stork?
When we receive your wrap which is not long enough to make a full Stork Wrap Conversion, we will inspect it and discuss with you over the best way to fully utilise the length. Sometimes it may surprise you that there actually enough for a full conversion. The best way usually is to make it looks as full as possible. What we would recommend is to omit only the inner body panel.
Let's take this carrier for example, upon consultation, we find that the wrap provided isn't enough for a full conversion. With weavings like this, we either sacrifice the alignments to get a full conversion (meaning the the motives would be off center, or motives on hood won't align with body and such). We certainly want the alignment because the weave is incredibly beautiful. It's a shame if we cannot represent that in the carrier. OR we go with a semi-conversion. In this case, only the inner panel is not covered in wrap. Instead it is in matching of white high quality cotton drill from our vast fabric library. From outside, it looks like a full conversion. Note that the buckle straps (petite straps adjusters and chest straps/railings) are also crafted from wrap. Remember you can choose if you want them in the normal black webbing instead.
Only the inner panel is not covered in wrap. From outside, it looks like a full conversion.
BUT, sometimes there isn't just enough to go for this. So we will discuss further which part you would prefer to have wrap, and which parts can be replaced with matching cotton drill and we will advice accordingly. The price for a semi-conversion like this is the same as a full Stork Wrap Conversion which starts at RM409.00.
Another way you can go about utilising your short wrap length to make a Stork Baby Carrier is to go by the 'Stork Personalised' pathway. This is when the Stork is made like the usual Stork Baby Carrier using cotton drill from our fabric library, you provide your wrap only for the aesthetic part of the carrier, which is the outer body panel and also the hood. Example below:
Notice how the waist straps and shoulder straps are in plain colour and only the body and hood are made using wrap. For carriers like this, the charge is the same as Stork Personalised which starts at RM386.00. We then provide a 'send your fabric rebate' of RM15.00.
It is easy to send in your wrap for a conversion. We will guide you along the way and from numerous wrap conversions we have done at our studio, chances are, you are going to love it.
Watch out for some ready-mades Stork Wrap Conversion soon in collaboration with HappyFluffy and we also have some Bebe Sachi Wrap Conversions to be released soon.
Check out some of these babies:
One of our first toddler size Stork Wrap Conversion with custom poppy embroidery that incredibly pops! This carrier traveled through many continents! This is my personal stash. I use to carry my ~2y son from Morocco - Gibraltar - Spain - Monaco and France. That was an epic 30 day adventure and having this carrier certainly helped us a lot. During this trip too is when I first attended Porter, Simplement, basic babywearing course in Bretagne, France, which certified me as a Babywearing Educator. The first one in the country it is seems (correct me if I am wrong).
Khadi - the Lengendaries
These carriers are special to me. They are made from Khadi by Bebe Sachi. Black khadi is a total gem. That Stork is also the biggest pre-schooler Stork I have ever made. Working with Khadi certainly is challenging. I remember that my fingers because so sore after finally completing that black Khadi. The middle one is from Kak Rita herself. It has a beautiful turtle applique on the body panel and the hood is a collage of the many Bebe Sachi wraps colourway and weaves that she has ever produced at that time. So much pride making that one. The the last but not least, is the Twilight, I was only given a small length to create something that is special for my dear customer. It has her daughter's name and embroidery of florals to match the beautiful name. I was contacted by her again recently to create another gem. Best feeling in the world!
Some One-of-a-kinds
Probably on of the most elaborated design I have ever produced, which is a themed carrier using wrap. It is made using a combination of 2 wraps, on in red and another in a neutral colour.
I was contacted by her again recently to create another gem. Best feeling in the world!
Some of the custom Stork Wrap conversions worth mentioning, with beautiful embroideries, accessories, dragon spikes themed and also half-buckles. Notice also the purple wrap combo.
You can view all the wrap conversions we have done in the past in our photo album.
To order one of your own, go straight to this link and we only need RM100 *refundable deposit to get the ball rolling.
Do you have your own experience of sending in your wrap for conversion? Have any questions about converting your wrap? Drop a comment below!
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